Taylor Explores the World

Category: Historic sites

  • Tulum Archaeological Zone

     Always a favorite of ours.  It is a must stop, even if only to swim – so make sure to bring a bathing suit so you can cool off after walking through the ruins.   This post classic site (1200-1500 AD) is mesmerizing with its survival on the coast,  where hurricanes are common.  Allow time […]

  • Iglesia de Chichimilá

    We ventured into the unknown, leaving the familiar terrain we had traveled many times. With only so many hours of daylight and not knowing the conditions of the roads nor the frequency of  or where the bothersome topes would pop up, which half seem to be placed in the middle of nowhere with no rhyme […]

  • Route of the Churches

    ROADS AND DRIVING As you leave Valladolid, on nicer roads then any in Michigan, the scenery changes, no longer are you in a bustling city but now dense lowland scrub vegetation coats the flat land ahead. The first time my mother came to this part of Mexico she told me she saw why I was so […]