Taylor Explores the World

Mansión Mérida

Location: Calle 60 between Calles 59 and 61, Merida
                  Next to Hidalgo Park

While sitting in Hidalgo Park, my eyes caught a glimpse of an outside eatery.  As I looked at it, I noticed a beautifully intricate entryway behind it.  I asked Leroy if we could check it out.  We walked toward it and could see it was a beautiful hotel, the Mansión Mérida on the Park.  As we reached for the door, we noticed a decal stating “entry is for guests only”, we both stopped and looked at each other.  Leroy, determined to get me in there, had noticed a little hotel bar and we attempted to enter through there, nope.  We could not find an entrance on Calle 60 either.  We went back to the “guests only” entrance and slowly opened the huge glass, as though we were waiting for someone to scold us “non-guests” for using it.

A beautiful white round table sat in the center of two huge winding stair cases, behind them sat a huge white marble fountain.  It was like a princess’s dream, I knew immediately this place was way out of our budget, even for a big one night splurge.  A thin, young attractive woman quickly popped out of nowhere.  Leroy informed her that we were interested in renting a room and inquired about rates.   She informed him that rates start at $250USD a night.  She then said she had a brochure she could give to us if we could wait a moment.  She excused herself and returned handing us a brochure filled with pictures of breathtaking rooms, it was like being in a palace.  We thanked her and with drool on our chins and awe in our eyes we left, thinking maybe….one day.


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