Taylor Explores the World

Parque de la Madre

Location: Calle 60 between 57-A and 59

As we walked back to our hotel from Pasaje de la Revolucion, we stumbled upon Parque de la Madre or Parque de Maternidad.  Despite the late hour, the mother-children statue was lite beautifully and fully so much so it drew you into the tranquil park.  

You could easily see the details of the statue; a toddler looks lovingly down at his infant sibling who lies on their mother’s lap.  My understanding is that the statue, honoring mothers, is a reproduction of one in Paris by André Lenoir.  It sets a wonderful tone for the park.

At night and during the day Parque de la Madre is frequented by many.  It offers free Wi-Fi, as do most of Merida’s parks.  The park was spotlessly clean and one morning we actually saw a worker sweeping the park with an old fashioned straw broom.


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