It had been a long day seeing the main attractions of Felipe Carrillo Puerto and we were excited to cool off in the highly anticipated Laguna Azul de Señor. We saw several signs on MX295 counting the kilometers until our destination and that which it held. Hot, tired and ready to get out of the car we pulled into Señor. Anxious to find the lagoon and cool off, the topes slowed us allowing us to fully take in the quaint town of Señor, including several businesses and blocks of residential neighborhood.
We must have been a sight as we could not find the turn off for the Lagoon. We drove back and forth finally stopping for directions, the gentleman pointed back to where we had come from.
This is one destination that needs to be marked much better than it currently is, though may be that is done in earnest to keep those unworthy of it away. We had passed the only faded one-sided sign that arrowed toward the “Laguna” on the way in.

After two turnarounds we saw it and followed its direction until we came to a L-shaped corner, unsure we followed the turn and drove several blocks, still nothing. At this point I had given up, we had circled the tiny town for 20 minutes without finding it, the clock was ticking on daylight and we still had to get back to the main highway. My husband pushed forward and asked another person who pointed back toward the L corner. We approached as a girl exited a pathway; my husband asked her in Spanish where the lagoon was, she pointed to the path! My husband asked if we could drive, “yes”.

Leroy slowly drove our little rented economy car onto the dusty, sandy, dirt path that at points was almost engulfed by the low-lying scrub jungle around it. Taking the terrain slowly, it seemed to take forever. It was a single lane pot hole filled “beach road” that I could not imagine traversing during or shortly after a rain. Along the way there were several pull offs to allow passing of traffic in either direction. 20 minutes into the bumps and giggles from the kids I was sure we were misguided but there was nowhere to turn around, we had no choice but to continue on and hope we would eventually run into blue water. Instead a forest appeared, then a palapa structure and ahead was a clearing of sorts.

We had made it! We parked across from a white pickup with a gentleman sitting on the edge of the bed of the truck. He smiled graciously as we hurriedly, and loudly I’m sure, exited the car and transformed into a beach ready family. Walking to the edge of the water it was gorgeous, worth every turn around, bump and minute in the car. Crystal clear turquoise water edged with powder white sand as a dark gray sky loomed above.
A few kids several hundred feet away splashed and laughed; we assumed they came with the gentleman in the parking lot because we were the only people on the entire lake. We waded into the beautiful water to finally cool off. At first the sky seemed like it may rain but as we played a beautiful rainbow emerged, gracing us with its beauty.
My husband was the first to exit the water and while we continued to swim he befriended the gentleman, Santos, whom was sitting on the back of the truck. Of Maya descent he was from the village Señor. Outgoing, intelligent and very hospitable he worked for the government as an ecological tour operator for the Costa Maya (Mundo Maya) region.

His father was Señor’s “doctor” or shaman. He told us of the friendship his family had with several other graduate students from the states, who home stayed with them for several trips over the last few years. He offered his home to our family in the hopes to teach each other our respective language. Finding out I was an Anthropology and Archaeology student he was very eager to share their home and customs with us. We exchanged our information, with the full intention of taking him up on his offer. He introduced us to his sister-in-law and nephews, we had been right they were there with Santos, before they loaded into the back of the truck and we followed them back to the little town of Señor.
As we waved our final goodbyes, we turned toward the main highway and discussed what a beautiful day it had truly been. Exhausted w settled in as we still had a 2.5 hour drive ahead of us. We passed Muyil at dusk unfortunately and were not able to visit.
To see more of our trip to Señor and Laguna Azul de Señor click here
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