Taylor Explores the World

Iglesia de San Servacio

Iglesia de San Servacio has been a beautiful fixture across from the central plaza’s southern side since 1706. It was ordered built by order of Bishop Don Pedro de los Reyes to replace the 1545 church that had been destroyed in 1705.  Still today it has a 19th century clock tower which houses the only public clock in the city. 

The church is breathtakingly beautiful throughout the day and night.  The people and palms frame the scene ideally.  During the day, its age and life show in its gray weathered façade.   Long gone is the smooth surface that once covered the limestone brick structure.     
Pairs of palms and belfries, bells still hanging, frame the central stained glass window and giant wood door leads to the interior ministry.  A smooth yellow meter high wall sits beneath another meter high rod iron fence.  Open to the public, a stream of onlookers and worshippers file in to admire its beauty.  Some pray for help, others forgiveness or guidance; many simply walk the aisle to admire the beauty and history contained within.
At night its edges glow with life and history, demanding your attention – regardless of what is going on around you.  Whoever designed and installed the lighting was genius as it commands attention.  San Servacio distracted me from the pulsing beat of drums, mimicked by the male singers’ hips and the rhythmic crowds’ feet, yet amongst the chaos of Carnaval I still found myself engrossed with the peacefulness and beauty of the church.

To see more of our pictures of Iglesia de San Servacio click here


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